Minimalism is a way of living with less.
But at the same time, it's not about depriving yourself; it's about finding what you need and getting rid of the rest. Interested and looking for a practical way to start?
The 30 Day Minimalism Challenge won't make your home entirely clutter-free. But it will help you declutter your home, schedule, and mental load in just 30 days.
Let's begin.
The Thirty Day Minimalist Challenge
Why bother with a challenge?
Because when you are excited about something new, you are motivated. But that doesn't last long. A challenge for a set amount of time will carry you past that initial excitement and through the tedious phase. You've committed. It's only 30 days.
The point is: the challenge gets you started on a new way of living and helps you stick with it long enough to realize how amazing it feels once everything is gone.
How to complete and stick with the challenge
Set a defined start date and end date. Tomorrow is good, right? Each task should only take 30 minutes. Well, at least, you should only spend 30 minutes on them. If the job is something big, like "declutter closet," you only need to spend 30 minutes on it.
Print out the chart and put it somewhere visible. Sometimes a physical reminder can shame you into sticking to your plan. And once you've completed the challenge, you'll have a record to look back on and see how much you've done.
The best way to complete the challenge is one day at a time.
Frequently Asked Questions about the minimalism challenge
What counts as decluttering?
When you aim to complete 30 challenges, it's essential that every task is quick and easy. Decluttering is anything that removes clutter or tidies up your home. It can be something big like putting away all the toys in your kid's room or something small like clearing off your coffee table. Set a timer, and do what you can.
Is there a specific time of day to do my tasks?
Yes! Pick a time and stick with it. This helps you get in a routine. I prefer mid-morning, after my coffee. Just be consistent.
Can I do this if I'm busy?
The busier you are, the more you need a minimalist challenge. These things aren't just more nonsense on your to-do list. They will make every aspect of your life easier in the end.
Will it be hard?
No. It's only half an hour per day. We aren't dealing with sentimental items. You can do this and get started on a minimalist lifestyle easily.
What to do each day
Day 1: Declutter Your Closet.
Get a big trash bag and spend 30 minutes throwing away trash. No one wants your old clothes.
Day 2: Declutter Your Shoes.
Pick two pairs of shoes and keep them by the door. All the rest need to be stored in your closet. Inform your family members of this new rule.
Day 3: Declutter Your Work Desk.
Get rid of pens that don't work, little pencil nubs, office supplies you hate, and cords that are just plain mysterious.
Day 4: Declutter The Living Room.
This is all about creating visual calm. What's in your line of vision that looks messy? Fix it.
Day 5: Get Rid of Unused Undergarments:
The ratty underwear, the mismatched socks, the bras with poky wire. Throw them out. Order any replacements you need.
Day 6: Declutter Your Email.
Unsubscribe from all those emails you are stuck with after wanting a 10% coupon code. This takes a while but is worth it!
Day 7: Declutter Accessories.
Let's look at all the weird belts and scarves you've accumulated over the years. What about the backpack with the broken zipper? Your high school costume jewelry. Throw out everything you can bear to part with.
Day 8: Declutter the Kitchen.
Obviously, this is a tremendous job. The kitchen counters make a significant impact, so let's start there. Set a thirty-minute timer and do what you can.
Day 9: Declutter the Bathroom.
Focus on your vanity cabinet for twenty minutes. Spend the last ten minutes on the shower and the area around your tub.
Day 10: Digital Detox.
Let's commit ourselves. No phones at the dinner table. Or the lunch table. After a few weeks of this, you'll find yourself feeling calmer, and you won't quite know why.
Day 11: Start a stockpile of non-perishables.
What is this about? Stockpiling? What does this have to do with minimalism? Let's get you stocked up on the basics to avoid last-minute shopping trips. Make a list of toiletries and paper goods that you must keep at all times. Print the list out. Buy a three month supply and store them somewhere safe.
Day 12: Get rid of old electronics.
I know that the old iPhone was expensive, and the box is nice. But it's time for it to leave the house. Throw it out, along with the chargers, the weird ports, and all the other electronics you don't use. After you toss them, think for a minute. You were so excited to get them at the time, and now they are just garbage. Never forget that stuff is just stuff.
Day 13: Commit to limiting your phone upgrades.
Once every two years, MAX. That's plenty. After a while, your feeling of smugness at having an old phone will overtake pride in a new one. Really.
Day 14: Create a morning routine.
Stop letting the day attack you. Get up and get yourself ready before life starts coming at you. Take ten minutes to read this morning routine article, ten minutes to plan your own, and ten minutes to gather what you need to make it happen. Stick with it until Day 30, and re-evaluate then.
Read More: A Morning Routine Built For Moms (The Pillars of an Effective Morning Routine)
Day 15: Exercise.
It's a tough habit to start, so we'll just work on this one today. Remember, anything you can do that doesn't revolve around consumption is a minimalism win.
Day 16: Declutter the garage.
Remember the thirty-minute rule. Don't get overwhelmed. If the garage isn't zone, just find one or two items you can get rid of and spend the remaining time straightening up.
Day 17: Clean out your car.
Your car is likely a portable trash can if you're a mom. Get a child or another family member to help you. This won't take long and feels good to get done. Extra time? Wipe down the dash and seat with a damp rag.
Day 18: Clean out your bag.
Empty it of all the kid's toys, paper clutter, and various junk. And think about how to keep it under control. A few options: get a much smaller bag, or spend 2 minutes cleaning it out every evening.
Day 19: Cancel unnecessary subscriptions.
Want bonus points? Cancel all your digital subscriptions. Don't forget you can always get them back if you miss them!
Day 20: Social media.
As you've noticed, this is more than a decluttering challenge. We're also getting rid of things that are stressful or just plain pointless. If you find yourself sucked into certain social media platforms, remove them from your phone. If specific people bug you, unfollow them. And don't fool yourself by saying you only use it in your downtime and it doesn't waste any time. It does.
Day 21: Budget and debts.
Get intimate with your money. How much is going out and coming in? Do you have debts that you need a plan to repay? Take today and make a plan. This will be a huge relief for you, once it's done.
Day 22: Declutter hobby supplies.
This can be hard. It usually involves admitting that all those things you thought you would do one day will never really happen. If you have expensive tools you'll never use, like a sewing machine or paper cutter, then it makes sense to donate items. But a lot of it just belongs in the trash.
Day 23: The junk drawer.
Pull everything out and treat yourself to a drawer organizer. Make sure this space has scissors, stamps, tape, pens, pencils, and everything else it needs. Get extras and put them in your stockpile. One thing you don't have to worry about for a while.
Day 24: Your bedroom.
Has this become a storage area for boxes that don't fit anywhere else, presents you're hiding, and broken stuff? The energy of your bedroom is so, so important. It should be calming, uncluttering, and relaxing. Get all the weird stuff out of there. If you have extra time, go through your nightstand and clean the windows. The rest of the week, focus making on making your bed and and keeping this space nice.
Day 25: Clothing.
We've spent a little bit of item getting rid of the worst stuff in your closet. Now we need to organize. Go through your clothes again, and this time group everything in a way that makes sense to you. Try to pare your clothing down to what you really use and need.
Related post: Building a capsule wardrobe for moms.
Day 26: The planning routine.
Every week, spend some time planning the next week. Sunday afternoon is a great time to do this, but pick a time you like. Focus on three things during this weekly planning session: what you're making for dinner, any appointments or commitments you have coming up, and one goal you'd like to achieve. Spend today's time figuring out when and how you will do this every week.
Day 27: Your books.
People are weird about books. They feel like a virtuous possession, like they should be exempt from the minimalism challenge. But if you don't like them, get them out of your house. Your local library will be happy to have them. And if you don't have to sort through a bunch of nonsense, you'll be more likely to read what's left.
Day 28: Your phone and computer.
Two missions today--delete what yo don't need, and back up what you do. Invest in a Dropbox plan and backup your photos, documents, and videos. You'll be glad you did. For better or worse, our lives are on our phones, and you probably have very special pictures on yours.
Day 29: Your fridge and freezer.
Would you believe me if I told you that a beautifully organized fridge is one of the keys to happiness? Opening a door to a messy, dirty storage area is bad for the spirit. Get that thing clean!
Day 30: A new rule to live by.
We've come to the end of the minimalism challenge. And today you have a new rule to live by. Every time something new (except food or other consumable items) comes into your house, something old must go out. That's it. Stick with it, and most of your clutter challenges are solved.
It is possible to live a happier life with the help of some simple changes. The 30 Day Minimalism Challenge may be just what you need! Many people are surprised by how much they enjoy living more simply and having less things cluttering their space. If this challenge sounds like something that could benefit you, go ahead and try it out for yourself. It's free! You can make your bed every day, declutter your home in one month, organize your closet or dresser drawers, get rid of all the junk drawer clutter and more without spending money or stressing about doing any tasks at once--this will work for anyone looking to simplify their lives.
It's not the end of your journey, but it's a great beginning.